25 Best Traffic Building Tips – Web 2.0


Creating web 2.0 for link building can be very complicated, which is why I decided to break down the entire process into 3 steps. In part 17-1, we discussed how to register different emails and setup Web 2.0 properties on WordPress.com, Weebly.com, etc. We also discussed the pages including contact us, Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, etc. Now comes the tricky part, where you’ll have to create unique content related to your niche. It’s also important to spread out your linking pattern so Google doesn’t connect these web 2.0 properties to you. You have to remember that Web 2.0 properties is a grey-hat link building strategy and the success you have using this method will depend on how well you write content with the correct anchor text.

Let’s get started with learning how to find content ideas and generate the right amount of content.

Strategy #17-2 – Web 2.0

When writing content for your web 2.0 properties, it’s important all content is original and NOT republished anywhere else. Posting duplicate content is against Google content guidelines and will get your website banned. Not to mention, writing duplicate content is an unfortunate way to attract attention to your properties and if Google finds out you’re creating these properties, it can harm all blogs connected to these properties. Next,

Content topic should be related to your niche so each website within the network is related to your “target” website. For example, if my niche is “SEO”, then I’ll create “5” Web 2.0 properties all connected to SEO, focusing on content marketing, link building, social media, etc.

Generating Content Ideas

I’ve written extensively on where to find the best content ideas. For example,

  • Focus on exploring competitor blogs because they published relevant content.
  • Visit forums looking for common questions.
  • Skim through blog comments looking for questions posted by visitors.
  • If you have an existing blog, then ask your email subscribers what type of content they’ll like to read.

However, it’s important to note that content for these Web 2.0 properties don’t need to be high quality, but making them relevant will provide you with the added value. I suggest visiting competitor websites, choosing various topics, and just creating a unique general blog post. This way, the content is relevant and unique at the same time.


Follow these simple content writing guidelines…

  • Content should be relevant to your niche.
  • Content should be 800-1200 words in length.
  • Should contain a maximum of 2 external links (discussed below)
  • Content frequency should be 1-2 published per Web 2.0/mo

Content Frequency and Links

Here is where things get tricky and you should follow this EXACT method when building links and posting content. To keep Web 2.0 properties up-to-date, I suggest posting content roughly 1-2 times per month. I’ve actually asked this question to bloggers who have had enormous success using Web 2.0 for link building and they suggest the same posting schedule. Another reason I suggest this posting schedule is because it allows you to keep fresh content posted on all your properties without you neglecting some of them. Next, it will allow you to follow the linking pattern that I’m going to be discussing below.

How should you build links?

Be careful when building links to your “target” website because too many links pointing to your “main” site will alert Google. You have to remember you’re creating these properties to act like natural blogs and from experience should know that NO blog links to the site over and over again. It’s natural, however, to link 1/5 articles to your “target” website. Here’s the linking pattern you should follow…

  • Link 1/5 posts to your “target” website
  • Maximum “2” links per content
  • 1 link pointing to homepage and “1” pointing to internal page
  • 4/5 posts should point to external authority relevant source (this should a good reference pattern)

If you follow this pattern, then you’ll be able to create Web 2.0 properties that follow a solid publishing and link building pattern. Keep in mind, you should ensure your linking pattern is natural just like you would find on a popular authority blog or Google will know these properties were created to manipulate the SERP’s rankings for your money site.

What’s next…

We have one part left in this Web 2.0 series (17-3) and we’ll be focusing on the importance to build links to these properties from other external sources. For these sites to add value to your “target” website, you have to increase the page authority of the page where the link is located. This means you’ll have to have a “tiered” link building structure setup. We’ll be looking at finding the best links in the final part of this series.

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