Evil Way To Increase RSS Subscriptions

I covered most of the normal ways to increase RSS subscriptions in my last post. Now I want to talk about an evil way of doing it. Why? Because it’s good to be good, but it’s better to be evil. 😈

Fill The Blog With Advertising

You begin by applying to as many ad networks as you can quality for and then add them to the blog. If you don’t know what networks to apply for, here’s a big list of 130 ad networks you can join now. That should get you started.

Once you flood the blog with ads from 130 networks, you put a note next to your highly visible RSS button that reads, “Don’t like ads? Subscribe to the full feed RSS and read this blog ad free!”

Keep in mind that the biggest reason people will subscribe to your RSS is because of good frequently updated content. If your content isn’t good, there’s no reason to read your blog, much less subscribe to it.

Please note – This post is meant more in fun than anything serious. However, presenting a RSS as an ad free way to read your content does help to increase subscriptions.