How To Drive Free Traffic without Guest Blogging

I received this email two days ago, from one of my blog readers.

He wanted to know how to drive free traffic to his blog without writing guest posts. Note that this kind of question isn’t new and I’m sure a lot of you out there would be glad to know other strategies that work.

I’m not going to brag here because humility is the only virtue that can take any blogger to the top.

But for the past 2 years, I’ve been actively guest blogging and has published over 800 informative articles on A-list and B-list blogs.

That notwithstanding, I strongly believe that if you don’t like to pitch guest post topics and wait for a YES, then you should look for alternative means of promotion. Period!

One good thing about blogging is that you’re the Boss – you decide what strategy you can stick to. When it comes to guest blogging, experts like Danny, Oni, Ali Luke among others have achieved tremendous success through this marketing medium. But that’s not the only way to drive free traffic to your blog.

Get to know other A-list Bloggers

Before I share one of the powerful ways to drive avalanche of free traffic to your blog, I want to encourage you to start building relationships from today. Why?

It’s because you’re going to leverage on the rapport you build with experts to grow your blog’s community and make more money, doing what you love. Start following industry experts on Twitter, like their facebook pages and go follow them on

Whenever they publish new content, learn from it and appreciate their work. These little acts can go a long way in helping you bridge the divide between authority and amateur – since your goal is to promote your blog and get readers, without doing guest posting of any sorts.

You can also write valuable comments on blog posts. Don’t just say “nice post” because such can’t stick into the mind of the author. Instead, take time to read the post.

If the article is lengthy, you can read few paragraphs to extract insights before writing your comment. As much as you can, avoid short irrelevant comments. Make it detailed (100 words+ will do wonders).

Now, are you ready for the smartest way to drive free traffic without guest blogging?

Write a List Post

List Post

You may frown at it, but list post has been my #1 strategy for dominating my niche, even when I started out. Remember, you’ve followed A-list bloggers and known what they like the most.

Seriously, almost all of these fellow bloggers want to build a brand and make more money. They also want to boost their ego – even if they don’t announce it openly.

When you write a List Post that includes all these people who are influencers in their own niche markets, you’ll not only get free traffic, but also, you’d garner hundreds of backlinks to increase your Google rankings eventually.

In order to guide you on the type of list post that works, you may write content on these titles:

  • Top 20 List Building Experts Who Can Kiss Ass
  • Top 10 Bloggers To Hit $10,000 In 3 Months
  • Top 50 Marketing Blogs That Have Exclusive Content
  • Top 30 Solopreneurs To Watch In 2013

You can scale it up…

The above titles are unique when I wrote them. So feel free to copy, research and contact top bloggers and ask them simple questions for the post.

If you don’t have time to write, then this is one way to get a full-blown article without writing much (except for highlights and formatting).

When the post goes live, send the live URL to those concerned, and ask them to tweet, share, cite and promote it. Trust me. It works.

If out of 20 influencers, 4 of them tweet to their huge twitter databases, you’ll get at least 100 visitors daily for the next 7 days. This isn’t a guarantee though – but it’s an estimate.

Over to you

I want to hear what you’ve to say concerning this post. Have you ever written a List Post in the past that went viral, generated floods of free traffic and enhanced your credibility?

Note: If you want a List-Post content that can bring you free traffic and backlinks, I can help you write it. Contact me.

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