How To Create A Review On YouTube That Actually Converts

Youtube is full of junk videos, especially average Joe bobble head videos. Turns out a lot of those people are wondering why they can’t get any dang traffic from this beautiful social network. What’s the missing link? They’re not utilizing the power of a review video and applying the principles that make them convert like gravy. The purpose of this post is to teach you how to create a review that actually converts.

1. Remember that visitors are like deer

Every marketer will be wise to master this foundational concept of visitor behavior. Think back to the last time you came within 10-15 yards of a deer. In Utah where I grew up, deer are everywhere and they are the among the most sensitive animals out there. They have a keen sense of smell, hearing and sight. The slightest thing will have them scurrying in a blink of an eye.

How can you take this principle and apply it to your video marketing efforts? There are a few simple things you can do, they are:

  • Dress up your channel and assume leadership and authority
  • Outsource social activity (comments, likes, and subscriptions)
  • Blow people away with a value added review
  • Drive PPC views if you have too

Consequently, channels that have social activity tell the ‘deer’ that the water is okay and that it’s safe to stay and drink – so to speak. You should also know that channels with social activity get ranked better and as a result get loads more traffic. To get more social activity, head on over to and begin purchasing YouTube gigs from reputable sellers.

2. Blow people with a value added review

Plenty of video marketers are making the mistake of filming bobble head reviews. Reviews do work, but only if you provide massive amounts of value and apply, what I call, the ‘Insider’s Tour’. Again, prospects are like deer, they can tell if you are reviewing a product you haven’t ever purchased and tried personally. Please don’t film these kinds of videos. Do yourself a favor and buy the product.

Once you’ve purchased the product, you’ll need to purchase a tool that can allow you to both show your face as you speak and show your screen. I prefer to use Camtasia; however, it will cost ya some money to buy one of the best softwares out there for this ‘Insider’s Tour’ review video. Fire up the product you’re promoting in this review and give them a literal insider’s tour of the product. This gets the visitor excited. Works miracles, I guarantee it.

3. Employ Several Call-to-Actions

Believe it or not, you need to tell visitors what to do. Not in a bossy, Hitler way, but in a leadership way. Visitors are craving to be led and assuming the role of a leader does the trick. What kinds of CTA’s should you use?

  • Video annotations
  • Animated text in the actual video itself
  • Voice CTA’s where you tell a visitor to subscribe, share, comment, and like
  • Text CTA’s in the description boxes.

If you apply the deer principle, the ‘Insider’s Tour’, and several call-to-actions, I personally guarantee that you’ll be creating youtube videos that will actually convert. Do you plan on using these techniques?

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