How To Tell Google You Don’t Like Their Search Results

Have you ever done a Google search and not like the results it gave you? For example, if you do a search for John Chow, you would expect to be the number one result. Well, Google has you covered! If you don’t like the results Google produces, you can tell them on this I’m not satisfied with the search results page.


Google isn’t able to respond directly to comments submitted in the above form but the information will be reviewed by someone on the quality team. How many dissatisfied searchers do you think it will take before Google restores back at the number one spot?

Some will say I’ll probably just piss off Google by posting this. I doubt it. The dissatisfied link is at the bottom of every Google search results page and it’s there to help them improve their search. So, feel free to let Google know how dissatisfied you are when you don’t get the search results you expected. 😈