Join Me In Seattle for The HasOffers Meetup

Travis Ketchum came to me with an idea for a Seattle Tweetup/Meetup but didn’t have a location or a sponsor to pay for it. I contacted my friends at HasOffers and asked if they wanted to provide their location and pay for all the drinks and food. They said no problem, so I like to invite you to the Seattle HasOffer Meetup!

HasOffers has one of the coolest offices in the affiliate marketing world. It’s exactly what you’ll expect from a high tech Seattle company. My friend Shoemoney visited HasOffers back in September. Here’s a video from the visit.

Come meet up with me, Travis and HasOffers for a day of fun and drinks. Meet other affiliates/bloggers from the Seattle area and check out the awesome HasOffers office. It’s going to be a great event and it’s total FREE! I look forward to seeing you there.

BTW – here are some of the HasOffers employees. I’m sure they would love to meet you! 🙂

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Share A Sale Party

RSVP for The Seattle HasOffers Meetup