Make $300 NET Per Day with Pre-Pop CPA

Super affiliate, Gauher Chaudhry, has released a video featuring a little known affiliate marketing technique known as the pre-pop. This is a powerful way to make money with lead based CPA offers (those email and zip submits). Instead of having the readers filling in the form, you pre-populate the field with the email or zip code already filled in. The only thing the reader needs to do is hit submit and you make money. The easier you make it for the readers, the higher your conversion and the more money you make.

How do a pre-pop offer is the subject of a report from Jonathan van Clute. You may remember Jonathan as the guy who won the Top Affiliate Challenge (I was one of the gurus on the show). The report is available as part of Gauher’s 89 page insider’s guide to CPA marketing profits. In order to get the pre-pop report, you need to refer two people to download Gauher’s insider’s guide to CPA marketing profits. That shouldn’t be hard to do since the guide is free.

How powerful is the pre-pop? In the video, Guaher shows how one reader is using the pre-pop CPA technique to net $300 per day. Not bad at all.

Download The Insider’s Guide To CPA Marketing Profits