Make Money Online With John Chow dot Com E-Book

Yes it’s true! I have written an E Book on how to make money online! And it’s available for sale today! Don’t miss this chance to be the first to grab your copy at a special price of zero dollars! That’s right! My E Book is FREE!

Why am I giving my E Book away instead of charging money for it? Because I want to put the screws to the E Book industry. 99% of those get rich quick E Books are nothing but scams. The author of those books make their money by selling you worthless information. The market is huge because there really is a sucker born every minute.

Not only is my E Book completely free, but you are free to copy it and send it to all your friends or make it available on your blog. Most E Book marketers use free E Books (which is nothing more than an up sell or one time offer) as a way to build up a mailing list – you have to enter your email address before you can download the book. Not with my book! You can read it online, download it to you comp or print it out and I don’t need you to sign up for anything.

Many E Book marketers are going to hate me for doing it and that’s great. I want them to hate me. I make my money with real websites that offers real value. I don’t make money by selling PDF files with worthless information on it.

What’s In It For John Chow?

Giving away an E Book that can sell for $97.00 doesn’t sound very evil, does it? However, once you look at the big picture, you’ll see just how evil my scheme is. I am using this book as a traffic building tool. By giving it away with no strings attached, the E book will spread all over the Internet and it links back to my blog. If readers like what they read, chances are they will visit my blog. That’ll increase blog traffic and traffic equals money! Also, the recommended moneymakers on chapter two use affiliate links so I’m sure that’ll bring some back-end money. But it’s still 100% free to you.

The E book is a compilation of updated posts I’ve made about making money by blogging. I get emails everyday asking questions that my blog had already answered. This E Book lets me answer those already asked questions plus give you a ton of tips to make money from your blog. Feel free to download Make Money Online With John Chow dot Com and pass it on to all your friends or upload it to your blog and tell your readers about it. Reviews are welcome as well.

Download Make Money Online With John Chow dot Com