Miscellaneous Ramblings – 10/30/2007

Blogging Fingers Is For Sale

Matt Jone sent me a note that he is giving the finger to Blogging Fingers.

I am selling it because it is time for me to move on from blogging (especially blogging about blogging). I believe I have taken everything I can from this type of blogging and I have lots of other bigger money making ideas that can be funded via this sale.

The site makes about $400 per month and has 199 RSS readers so there’s something to build on. Good luck with the same Matt.

10 Tips to a Successful Blog Sale

If Matt hasn’t done so, he may want to check out 10 Tips to a Successful Blog Sale from North x East. NxE was recently sold to Cameron Low and as his final post, Collis gave his tips on how to get maximum dollar when selling your blog. Matt also may want to check out 20 must-do’s when selling a Dot Com business by Scott Wainner.

John Chow’s Rise To Fame

Have you ever wonder how John Chow dot Com got so big? Lars-Christian has done a very detailed case study on the subject.

Little about the blogging scene is quite as intriguing as John Chow. This guy writes about restaurants he dine at and yet he manages to make over $20,000 per month from his blog. Of course, he also writes a lot about ways to make money online, but it’s certainly safe to say that he doesn’t follow the traditional “how to write about making money online” formula that we’ve gotten used to over the years.

That’s pretty good linkbait you got there Lars.

I’m Sure This Is An Accurate Translation

Ed Lau found this Bollywood dance video that has been translated with English subtitles. I’m pretty sure the translation is accurate. See for yourself.

I found this video much more entertaining than the Kung Fu Panda video Michael Kwan is running.

Last Day of The John Chow Vs. Shoemoney RSS Competition

John Chow Vs. Shoemoney

Today is the last day of my RSS war with Shoemoney. I’m very confident I will win but Shoe made a big push yesterday and has more total RSS readers than me. I have stated that I not only want to beat the Shoe but I also want to have more total RSS readers as well. Therefore, if you haven’t sign up to my RSS yet, please do so now! Tomorrow, I’ll be giving away all the remaining prizes up for grabs. I’m only a 284 readers away from having more RSS readers than Shoemoney. Let’s make this happen! Subscribe now!

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