Sign Up for RankSense & Win a Free Review

RankSense, which Michael Kwan recently reviewed, wants you to try out their SEO software so badly that the company founder, Hamlet Batista, has authorized me to offer a $500 John Chow dot Com review to one lucky person who sign up for the 90-day free trial. If that sounds appealing, then read on.

Only 24 Hours To Enter

This is going to be a quick contest with only a single day entry time frame. Download RankSense with the link below between now and 9PM Wednesday night and you’ll be enter for a chance to win the $500 John Chow dot Com review. By offering a 24 hour windows, I limit the number of entries and increase your chances of winning.

No purchase is required. RankSense just wants you to test out their software. However, they’re pretty sure that once you get a chance to use it, you’ll like it so much you’ll buy it after the 90 day trial.

The winner will be drawn this Saturday at Dot Com Pho. Remember, you have between now and 9PM tomorrow to enter so do it now. Good luck!