Top Free Hosting Companies

I’m in the hosting industry.  I refer a lot of people onto free hosting companies  Because of this I put together the Top 25 Hosting Companies in the World a couple months ago to help people and give them an unbiased option with no affiliate revenue behind it.  Today, I’m at it again with the Top Free Hosting companies so that all of you can host your site for very cheap and expand your business.

I polled 43k people to find out who’s the best.  Not to mention gave away a free hosting/domain account for life to one lucky person.  My intention with the post was to really help out all the many people searching for free hosting in the world.  There aren’t a ton of free hosting sites out there but the ones who do it good are pretty amazing.  Wix, Weebly, 000WebHost, Yola and EDUblogs are among the top 5 on that list.

Something interesting to note is that there are currently an estimated 726 million different websites in the world with 11+ billion website pages to date.  This number is also growing at a rate of around 270k new websites created every year.  So next year around this time there will be almost 1 Billion websites in the World.  That’s crazy.  How are we ever going to keep track of them?

Here are you Top 25 Hosting companies in the World thanks to

Top-Free-Hosting-CompaniesIf you’ve like s this infographic, share it!


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