Visit To CX Digital Media

CX Digital is an Canadian based affiliate network with offices in Toronto and San Diego. I met CX Digital at the Boston Affiliate Summit and they told me that if I’m ever in Toronto, I should give them a shout and check out their office.

The CX office is located on Toronto’s famous Yonge Street in a shiny glass tower. There are the normal array of private offices for the executives and a boardroom. However, all the action take places on the affiliate floor, which looks a bit like a stock trading floor.

The work environment is very lay back. The company doesn’t enforce a dress code. I talked to a few of the affiliate managers and Tal Hayek, VP of Affiliate Relations. They’re a great bunch of people and I can see why CX is experiencing over 100% increases in year over year revenues.

Lunch with CX Digital

I went for lunch with Waseem Khan at Moxie’s Classic Grill. After that veggie only meet up, it was nice to chow down on a big juicy blacken NY steak with Cajun spices. I added some dry ribs for an all meat lunch.