25 Best Traffic Building Tips – Give Away Your Best Content

You’ve created a website and added content, however, you’re not able to drive traffic to your blog. The truth is that online blogging is very tough and each year, it’s becoming more competitive. Domains are easy to register and you can have a website up in under 20 minutes, which makes it even more difficult to have leverage over each other. Another factor that doesn’t help is the influx of FREE information available online pushing you in the right direction. Bloggers have made millions of dollars over the years providing information for FREE through their blogs that other people would have charged for. Here’s something I want you to think about…what’s the most important factor in their success?

If you guess traffic, then you are absolutely correct! No one online can succeed without knowing how to drive traffic to their blog and being able to convert it into leads, sales, and profits. Over the years, I’ve networked with many people, some of whom have made a huge difference online. They are pioneers in the industry and have changed content marketing and blogging for money completely. These same people have introduced some cool traffic generation techniques, which I’ll be discussing.

This is another new series I’ve started, where I’ll be discussing some of the best traffic strategies ever…let’s get started…


Strategy #1 – Give Away Your Best Content

Today, high valuable information is available online for FREE so if you think you can charge people, then think again. If you’re offering a course and have proven results, then people will be interested in paying to join your team. However, “content” should be leveraged to gain loyalty. Many people have often asked me why I give some of my content available for FREE. For example, I always tell people about Patt Flynn, a blogger who spend two months creating an eBook and then gave it away for free. Why? Simple…

He knows the power of email subscribers and offered his eBook for FREE if they joined his newsletter. These people will be return visitors and can generate traffic for years to come. Neil Patel has said numerous times that in “1” month, he generates 132,000 visitors from email subscribers alone. The point is it doesn’t matter where and how these visitors arrived on his blog as long as they are relevant, engaging, and loyal, which will ultimately lead to profits.


Relying on organic traffic takes time and PPC costs enormous money that beginners really can’t afford so leverage high value relevant content to generate the momentum you need. Getting this type of content ready isn’t difficult because it takes recognizing a few elements about your niche. For example,

know your audience, then you’ll be able to produce content that resonates well with them by tweaking your writing style. Find out their age group, location, language, and gender. Next, no content can be relevant without the proper keyword research so make sure you have the right tools handy. The good news is Google Keyword Planner will be able to give you all the information you need to find common keywords people are typing in your niche. Once you gather keywords, put them together, creating an ultimate post or eBook for your readers. Here’s what I’ve learned…

The best content solves a common problem in your niche. People have an impression that finding a solution costs money so change this by giving away your solution for FREE in exchange for their email. If you’ve written something that is high value, it will build loyalty and credibility so the next time you publish content on your blog, it will be read by everyone.

Wrapping It Up…

Because this series is about generating traffic and how to keep your blog engaging, then giving away your best content for FREE definitely helps. As mentioned before, almost 2/3 of your traffic will be “return” visitors from your email follow-ups so start building your list by giving away your best content. Keep the following in mind before getting started…

  • Make content relevant
  • Content should solve a common problem
  • Take time and create content better than your competition
  • Have a credible email subscription service that is reliable
  • Always do follow-ups, asking your readers if they have any questions going forward.

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