25 Best Traffic Building Tips – Part #16: Link Management

Link building has been a very risky process because low quality links can hurt you while the opposite can help boost your rankings within your niche. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been outlining my top 25 link building strategies and we’ve covered awesome ground. We went through building links from blog commenting, forums, guest blogging, etc. However, it’s time we find some method consisting of paid solution to help you with your SEO campaign. Why? Sooner or later, you run out of ways to build links where you have control and it’s important to utilize effective services that provide you with awesome link building opportunities. These are paid methods, but you’ll obtain a link on highly relevant niche targeted websites that are perfect for boosting rankings. However, you have to know what networks to target and what to look for before you purchase a link. Next,

It’s important to note that I listed “paid” methods toward the end of my series because it’s risky and you should always learn how to build links manually before exploring other options. Let’s get started looking for paid link building methods and how to effectively choose the right platforms.

I’ll be exploring two networks that are reputable and give you complete control over link prospecting.


Strategy #16 – Link Management (paid strategies)

In the past, I’ve used “2” awesome network to find paid link building opportunities. First, you have Matomy SEO (formerly known as Text Link Ads). Next, you have Link Management, where people post relevant web 2.0 properties that have been aged and have both domain and page authority. Next,

Both are perfect to purchase ads per month but you need to do some research on your own to ensure they offer quality placements.

Finding Opportunities

Both networks offer a solid interface where you can narrow down websites and/or blogs by “target” keyword so before starting, you should be well aware of the type of links you’re looking for. For example, if my blog is relevant to SEO, then I’ll look for websites related to content marketing, link building, SEO, and even social media. All these websites will provide me with the exposure I need to build high authority links. However, that’s NOT the only thing I should be paying attention to…

For example, both networks will provide you with the following information…

  • Domain age
  • Backlinks on page
  • Home page link (Y/N)
  • Language
  • Alexa Rank
  • Domain authority
  • Page authority


Two quick things to note:

On Matomy SEO, you won’t find out what the domain is until you purchase a link. However, the information you need to make a decision is provided beforehand. On Link Management, you’ll get all the information and you can click through to the website to check quality. Next,

Here is the information I suggest you pay close attention to before purchasing your link…

Domain Age –

This information is important because the higher the number, the better the ranking potential. I recommend a number above 3+ because these sites tend to have earned credibility over time and are much larger than a fresh new website.

Domain Authority –

The number out of 100 showing you the ranking potential within the SERP’s and it’s a predictability number provided by MOZ. It’s an indication of the ranking potential within the SERP’s so it’s a good idea to purchase a link on a site with a number higher than 25+. The higher the number usually means a larger website, higher domain age, and value the overall domain provides.

Page Authority –

Page authority is the most important factor and you want to ensure the number is higher than 25+. Why? This is the page your link will be placed on and a high page authority number represents a page with value. This is another prediction by MOZ and tells us the ranking potential and value of the page. You can imagine how a link on a page authority of 30 will provide more external juice than a page with 10. Next,

Before purchasing a link, make sure you pay close attention to both this number and domain authority and they do work together to give the complete website value.

Backlinks on Page –

This is optional, but I’ve included it because it gives you a better understanding of the value. Generally, the higher the backlinks, the more credible the page, however, we have domain and page authority to provide us a good indication of page importance. It’s a number you can pay close attention to, but the system doesn’t provide where these links are coming from.

Alexa Rank –

This number is useful because it shows you the popularity of the website. The lower the number, the higher the user engagement but there has been much discussion over how this directly effects the SERP rankings. My theory is the lower the number, the more visitors, leading to brand awareness. This increases the chances of someone clicking on your link and then engaging on your website. It’s often been said a number below 100,000 is awesome so I would focus on this range. However, the most important elements are domain age, domain authority, and page authority.

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