3 Effective Lessons I Learned From Guest Blogging


The power of guest blogging cannot be under estimated and I’ve been effectively using this method to generate thousands of relevant visitors to my blogs. However, as with everything, it’s important you test and tweak so you get the best return on your time. There is NO point in guest blogging if you are not generating the kind of buzz you intended to produce through your guest blogging strategy. I’ve been guest blogging for 5 years and have learned several valuable lessons. My objective has always been to grow my blog, especially when it’s a fresh new website in a very competitive niche. However, no matter what my purpose, I always made sure I wrote epic content so I engage my audience and add value to the guest blog. With that said,

With so much testing and tweaking, I was able to increase conversions through guest blogging. I want to share a few things I recently learned that you can apply going forward.

It’s About the Numbers

With so much content online, it’s important you stay active and keep writing. I noticed much of my traffic doesn’t come from “1” guest post, but several of them. Even though I recommend blogging on a handful of authority blogs, it’s important to ensure you keep active. I noticed as time goes on, Google indexes the pages and this starts to generate an increase in traffic. Next, new visitors to the guest blog will start to search through existing content and with so many of my posts published, I get an influx of traffic to my blog and pages I link to.

If you’re going to effectively start guest blogging, I suggest choosing only the best, which should be based on relevancy and authority. Next, I suggest you keep posting each week so you start to build a huge portfolio of content published.

List Posts Are Best

Here’s something that’s cool and I’ve mastered the way I do it. List posts perform the best because they are simple to follow and provide enormous value at the same time. When you publish a list post on an authority blog, you are going to rank for it easily within the SERP’s. Google loves to provide value in a simplistic way so always focus on popular list type posts for your readers. Next, create an in depth list post focused on a hot topic. For example, when I created 122 Epic Case Studies from Top Bloggers, it was able to generate a huge buzz quickly while ranking quickly within the SERP’s. When you publish something like this on an authority blog, you’ll build traction even more quickly because these blogs have an enormous readership number.

If you’re going to focus on writing out list type posts, I suggest researching a common problem then combining solutions from throughout the web into an awesome guest post.

Headlines Make a HUGE Difference

It doesn’t matter if you’re guest blogging on authority blogs or your personal website, you’re still going to have enormous competition. When people search in Google, you’re going to appear on a page with several results and it’s the headline that is responsible for a click-through. What’s more attractive to you out of the examples below?

  • How I generated 2,000 visitors in 30 days
  • Increase your blog traffic
  • Effective blogging tips to implement today

If you’re thinking the way I am, then ‘How I generated 2,000 visitors in 30 days’ stands out more compared to others. You can now imagine how headlines are responsible for generating the initial buzz, pushing people to click-through from the SERP’s. However, keep this in mind as well…

When people search on a blog, it’s the headlines that, again, force people to read certain content over another. You’re going to have others writing posts as well so it’s important you research what people are looking for and incorporate those elements into your headline. By simply tweaking my headlines, I was able to learn what my readers are attracted to and increase CTR in a short period of time.

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