3 Reasons To Start Blogging

Do you still enjoy working at your 9-5 job?

I had more than 20 reasons to quit my job in 2005, but I waited until mid 2006.

It wasn’t easy for me at the time, but it was the best decision I made.

Being an employee offered some benefits in the past, but all that no longer holds in today’s world.

During the industrial age, people who had Landed Properties were in command of wealth. But today, a significant change has come.

In this information age, you can command attention and build a profitable business online. Of course, you should be ready to invest eons of time and act accordingly.

Blogging is a business tool

In a brick and mortar business, a good office apartment and packaging can define how potential customers and competitors perceive your brand. Blogging itself is not a business, but you can situate your business around the blog.

A blog has the potential to drive target audience to your service. The last time I emailed my subscribers, I discovered that 54% of them don’t even have a blog.

More than 85% of them have corporate websites or ecommerce sites. And this got me thinking – why do these people talk about blogging, but don’t have a blog of their own?

Well, I guess I’d have to write a fresh blog post to address that question. For now, let’s look at the 3 reasons why you should quit your 9-5 job and start blogging. Are you ready?

1.      You’re the boss

As the CEO (chief executive officer) of your business, you can make decisions to grow your business. No matter your position in a firm, you’re bound to obey protocols and carry out instructions. If you’ve met me in person, you’d attest to the fact that I’m humble.

I’ve worked with an IT firm for 5 straight years before starting my business. It’s easier than you think to start a blog. All you need is a vision and the might to pursue it.

Most people fail at blogging because they’ve no goal. They’re just chasing the wind. Being the boss who makes decision and signs the documents for your business gives you an edge over your peers.

It means you can connect and convince potential customers. Yes, becoming a BOSS takes a lot of time – you must build it to earn it. But you must start today with a blog.

2.      You could double or even triple your paycheck   increase your blogging paycheck

When I finally quit my job in 2006, it was as if a pipe of cash was opened to me.

In the first 5 months, I doubled my income.

Maybe I was lucky, but luck only comes to those who work hard and smart.

I worked 6 hours every day. I built niche sites in various niches, but mostly in the health niche.

I had a huge success with niche sites. As a result of that, I started a content marketing blog to share my experiences with others.

And it dawned on me that all these wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t quit my day job. You may argue that some people hold a day job, and still do well online.

But have you inquired from them yet? Do you think they’re enjoying the lifestyle they purposed?

You can’t control how much you earn as an employee, but with a blog, you could. Blogging takes hard work to bring results, which makes it fantastic. Rather than working hard on someone else’s business, why not work hard on your blog? And consequently grow your business.

3.      Blogging makes you an expert

The benefits attached to blogging go beyond making money. You could become an expert if you work hard and smart. By this, I mean you should use social media and search engine marketing to your advantage. Position your brand where the right audience can find it.

As an employee who wants to change the world in a positive way, becoming an expert in your chosen field is vital.

Since I started blogging, I’ve been featured on media sites, online and offline magazines and business blogs. Although I’m yet to land a book deal or speaking engagement, but I’m confident it’d happen sooner or later.

When you combine blogging and guest blogging, you can earn the status of an industry expert. The way to gain traction in this competitive world is to have a VOICE. An employee doesn’t necessarily have a voice, but a newbie blogger does. Want to live the internet lifestyle, visit content blog.

Over to you

Are you afraid to quit your job and start a blog? If you’re waiting for the right time, when is that time? How do we recognize the time? Please share your comment below. See you ahead!

Photo Credit: paycheck

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