75% Of Bloggers Are Lazy, Which Is Good News For You!

This post is going to do just one thing – challenge you to take action in a smart way.

Because being productive is the secret spice to winning the blogging game.

Yes, the world of blogging has grown beyond writing and commenting.

If you know what you’re doing, you can actually attach an offline business to your blog and grow exponentially.

But one thing still bothers me – I estimated that 75% of bloggers are lazy.

Not every blogger is willing to put in extra hours to leave an unforgettable trail.

Most of the bloggers I know aren’t bothered about writing compelling content. Because it can be difficult to produce quality blog posts consistently. And why is it good news?

You’re no longer in competition

The initial Panda update brought a new definition to blogging and content marketing. Most of my blogger friends lost their top 10 rankings. I guess I was lucky because I didn’t lose my positions.

As most website owners continue to complain that Google is wicked, some savvy entrepreneurs are taking advantage of this to grow their business.

The truth is, you’re no longer in any form competition with other bloggers. If someone must compete with you in terms of search engine optimization, that person must provide quality and valuable content.

There is a call for personality in blogging right now. Until your readers can communicate with you, without difficulty, you’re still behind schedule.

Are you a lazy blogger?    Fat lazy guy watching the TV

Before you can answer that question, first, you need to understand what people think about you.

And the only way to know is from the feedback you receive on your blog posts.

How many comments do you get when you publish a new article?

What about the social love, pageviews and organic traffic?

Let’s not forget the referral and direct traffic – these are insights that reveal what the public thinks about you.

You see, in a brick and mortar business, you could publicize your brand and land big contracts, but on the internet, it’s a different ball game.

The public determines who is worthy. As a blogger, make up your mind to affect other people with written words. Don’t just write blog posts for the sake of it. What exactly do you want to achieve?

How valuable is that topic you’ve under your pillow? Are you about to push the “publish” button for the world to see your post? If I were I visit your blog, do you think I can read the post?

Lazy bloggers don’t care about readers. They don’t even research extensively before writing their articles. Oftentimes, they’re perfectionists; always wanting to do it by themselves in a way that seems powerful.

They don’t need anyone’s assistant. They don’t write guest posts, and they don’t accept guest posts. Wow… this is serious!

Engage your readers quickly

Can I tell you something – it’s now easier to reach new readers, engage them and make money from your blog.

Why is this so? It’s because lazy bloggers can spend 4 – 8 hours on Twitter, retweeting what they call “interesting content” without any regard for their own blogs. If you’re one of those who take too much pride in social media marketing, you need to reconsider it.

Your blog needs attention. Before your blog can make a living blogging, there must be a platform where you can address readers’ problems and recommend a helpful product for them.

Recently, I discovered the secret to making money online. It’s not selling or slapping few AdSense Ads here and there. It’s called “productivity.”

Increase your productive level

Did you know that everything you need to make profit with your blog is already with you?

Believe me, when you increase your productive level, there would be so much energy poured out for writing, marketing, networking and building a mutual relationship with others.

And because 75% of bloggers are lazy, you can take advantage of this to reach new audience with compelling content.

When you come to twitter, you’d tweet helpful and newsworthy content that followers can connect to. You can’t just tweet anything that your grandmother tells you and wonder why your social media marketing campaign is failing.

Get results today

Blogging is truly unique. No one can compete with you when you write epic content, using your own VOICE.

Even if they copy or replicate your idea, your voice is yours forever.

So, take pride in content marketing. The best search engine optimization tip is to “answer relevant questions in your blog posts.”

Now that a lot of people are scared of optimizing for search engines, take advantage of it and dominate the first page of Google.

Your blog’s growth might not come overnight (no matter how you try), but you could see a significant result in about 30 days.

What do you think? If 75% of bloggers are lazy, it means that 25% are productive, go-getters and money makers. If you work hard and smart, you can join the league of successful bloggers this year. Leave a comment below – see you at the top!

Photo Credit: Fat Lazy Guy

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