Canadian Affiliate Summit Replay Videos


If you couldn’t make the Canadian Affiliate Summit because you’re not in Vancouver (like me), you’re in luck. The producers of the summit is making replay videos from all 16 speakers available. That’s 24 hours of video training from 16 of the top internet marketing teachers in the world, including my good friend and fellow guru, Ken McArthur.

Best of all, you won’t have to pay the $1,397 price that many attendees had to pay. You won’t even have to pay the $397 John Chow dot Com price. All sixteen 90 minute video sessions are available for only $19.95. That’s right. You will get the exact same information that attendees paid $1,397 for, for only $19.95. I know it’s not the same as being there live, but it’s the next closest thing and it’s also a lot cheaper!

But you do need to take action quickly, as there is a catch. These replay videos will be going down after April 3. That means you only have less than a week to view them. What’s even cooler is you’ll have access to all the speakers’ special offers and can walk away with some excellent continuing educational content.

$19.95 for 24 hours of training that others paid over a thousand bucks for is a great deal. Since I’m in Shanghai right now and couldn’t make the summit, I’ll be checking it out via the replay videos. Thanks to Canadian Affiliate Summit for making them available.

If you want to discover hot money making and conversion tips for your business or blog, I suggest you tune in today for the last four sessions and then you get the replay access to watch what you missed.

Canadian Affiliate Summit Replay Videos