Can’t Wait For The iPad? Make An iPaperPad!


While the Apple iPad has been announced, it won’t be available for sale for at least a couple of months. For those who simply can’t wait and want to practice their Tablet Sutra skills before the iPads ships, the iPaperPad is for you! All you need is some heavy weight paper, a color printer capable of borderless printing, some glue and good folding skills. Print out the front and back of the iPaperPad, cut along the dotted lines, then fold and glue together. Now every Apple fan boy and girl will be pointing and gawking at you with envy (at least from a distance). Even after they see the device is made from paper they’ll want the templates from you so they can make one themselves.

The iPaperPad was created by Jess Silverstone, the lead artist for Revolutionary Concepts. Jess even included a cutout of the A4 processor you can include for “improved performance”. If you have access to a large format A3 color printer, a Taiwanese blogger has put together a PDF that will print an iPad to full size. Here’s what the iPaperPad looks like when it’s put together. Pretty cool, huh?
