Having a Korean Lunch in Shanghai

They say when in Rome, do as the Romans do. However, Shanghai is not Rome and having Shanghai food everyday isn’t my idea of culture. We’ve been trying a lot of different restaurants during our stay in Shanghai. With a population of 20 million people, there are thousands upon thousands of restaurants one can try. There are even entire city blocks with nothing but restaurants on them.

That is how we ended up at the Korean BBQ House. It was just one of the restaurants along a restaurant roll. The Chinese name for the place isn’t Korean BBQ House but that’s what it said on the English menu so that’s what I’m going to call it. The food was comparable to the Korean BBQ restaurants back home. The main different is the price and the service. In Shanghai, they have a girl cook the food for you at your table. In Canada, you cook it yourself. As for price. Lunch for 10 came to 550RMB ($78) including drinks. Wish I can get that at home.