I Love Darren Rowse, Plus A Bunch Of Other Bloggers

loveme.gifFor the past little while, I’ve been targeting Problogger.net with an “I Love Darren Rowse” Google ad. I also sent a few other “I love you” ads to other bloggers. You can see what those ads looks like plus how it all started here.

After running the Google ad on Problogger for two months or so, Darren finally got the message and replied with the Google ad you see on the right. Feel free to click it because it’s not an AdSense ad, it’s just an image of the Google ad Darren is running on this blog. Yes, it’s true. This is how professional bloggers talk to each other. We don’t use IM! We send the message with Google ads! 😀

Now I need to come up with a really good Google Ad reply to send back to Problogger. Any ideas?