Post Level Text Link Ads Starting To Click


I wrote about Text Link Ads starting Post Level Text Link Ads last month. It appears the new service is off to a good start. I have already received three post level link orders.

Text Link Ads has identified a whopping 463 posts on my blog that can have post level links on it. A link on the posts cost $5 to $10 a month depending on the Google PageRank. Assuming TLA can sell out all the posts at an average price of $7, it would mean another $3,241 a month in link sales. That’s a good chunk of change (plus I’m adding new posts everyday).

The thing I like about Post Level TLA is the prices are so low it’s almost an impulse purchase. Moreover, if the advertisers buy the right posts, they can receive tremendous value for the money. For example, check out the advertiser that bought the PLTLA on my Using Life Insurance to Shelter Income post.

The link is completely related to the post. All traffic to that post comes from search engine users Googling for life insurance related keywords. The post is a PR3 so the cost for the link was just $5.00 a month. I’m pretty sure the advertiser will keep that link there for months, if not years to come. So, while the sale price maybe low, the advertiser will stick around longer and there are tons of posts to monetize vs. a limited number of normal text links. This is something that can start small and grow to a sizable income.

Because I was the beta tester for Post Level Text Links Ads, TLA used my blog as an example on their PLTLA sales page. I thought that was pretty cool. To get Post Level Text Link Ads on your blog, you must first sign up as a TLA publisher. WordPress must also power your blog because Post Level TLA only works on WordPress blogs.