Publish Your Blog To Amazon Kindle

While the Amazon Kindle is best known as an electronic book and newspaper reader, the device also has the ability to read blogs. Amazon has a list of blogs available on their site that you can subscribe to.

Before, only well known and establish blogs were on the Kindle blog list. Starting today however, Amazon is allowing any blogger to submit their blogs to Amazon for listing through the Kindle Publishing for Blog beta program.

All you have to do is make your blog RSS feed available to the Kindle Store and Amazon will format your content for the delivery on the Kindle via Amazon Whispernet. After setting up an account and entering your RSS detail, your blog should be up and ready to go in the Kindle Store after about 12 to 48 hours. Once your blog is listed, readers will be able to subscribe to it and when they do, you make money.

Subscription revenue will be divided 70/30, with 70% going to Amazon and 30% going to you. Subscription price is solely determined by Amazon. I don’t know how Amazon prices their blogs but the average rate seems to be $1.99 per month. Even if you doubt anyone would subscribe to your blog, it’s still a good idea to sign up and get listed on one of the biggest websites in the world. The free exposure can’t hurt!

Before you go rushing to sign up I have some bad news. You must be a US resident/business with a US bank account and SSN/Tax number to sign up. Scratch me out!

*Update – It seems International blogs are welcome apply but you will need a US bank account to receive payment.