The Shanghai Transrapid

We’ve arrived safe and sound in Shanghai. The flight took 12 hours and was pretty uneventful. There is a 15 hour time difference between Vancouver and Shanghai. It’s pretty easy to adjust to if you don’t sleep on the plane. We landed at 5PM Shanghai time (2AM Vancouver time) and just stayed up until 9PM and went to bed and got up at 6AM. Feels like I’m back on normal time now.

We got in from the Shanghai airport via the Shanghai Transrapid. The Transrapid is one of the fastest trains in the world. It has a top speed of 430KM/H and can blast passengers from the Shanghai airport to the city of Shanghai in just 12 minutes. By comparison, if you were to take a car or bus, you can expect the trip to last a full hour. Time is money, right? Enjoy the video.