Using Facebook To Increase RSS Subscription

Will You Be My RSS Friend?

Do you have a lot of friends on Facebook? Want to use them to help increase your RSS subscription base? Well, you can. Among the many features Facebook offers is the ability to import your RSS feed. Facebook calls them “Notes.” How does this affect the RSS count?

The FeedBurner chicklet shows the number of people that accessed your feed yesterday. Today’s number will be available tomorrow. If you click the link to my full feed RSS, you will increase the feed count by one (assuming you’re not already a feed reader). By making your RSS accessible from locations other than your blog, not only do you increase the chance of more people finding it but it also increases the FeedBurner RSS counter. Currently I have 327 friends in my Facebook network (how they found me, I really don’t know). If each friend access their Facebook account once per day, it would mean 327 RSS readers because Facebook pulled my feed for them.

Leveraging Facebook with Blog Friends


To leverage Facebook further you can install the Blog Friends application. This app allows you to share your feed with your friends and your friends’ friends. The app allows you to spread you feed beyond your own network of friends. It also allows you to see blogs that your friends and your friends’ friend are reading. The key here is that each time Facebook pulls your RSS for one of your friends or one of your friends’ friends, the RSS count goes up.

If you have a massive Facebook network, this can be a very good way to increase traffic to your blog and increase the number on that FeedBurner Chicklet.

Four RSS Text Ads Spot Available

I still have four RSS Text Ads positions available. You can see what the ads look like by checking the blog through a RSS reader like Google Reader (or Facebook). The price is $200 per month which works out to a CPM of only 50 cents. That’s an extremely good value and if you want to take advantage of it, you better get your order in before it’s gone.